Neutering Dog and Cats
What are the advantages of neutering my male dog?

Our neutering service represent a cornerstone of responsible pet ownership and proactive pet health management. With a commitment to professionalism and the highest standards of veterinary care, we offer a range of specialized services designed to address the specific needs of your pets. Neutering and castration not only contribute to controlling pet populations but also play a pivotal role in fostering long-term health, behavior, and overall quality of life for your cherished animals.
As advocates for informed decision-making, we are here to provide you with a wealth of knowledge and expertise to ensure that you, as a caring pet owner, can make the best choices for your furry family members.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the advantages of neutering my male dog?
Reduces the risk of benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostatitis
· Reduces the risk of hormone-related diseases such as perianal adenoma
· Eliminates the risk of testicular cancer, the second most common cancer in intact dogs
Removes sexual urges, which usually decreases roaming behaviors
· Reduces certain types of aggression
Is neutering performed for any other reason?
Neutering may be used in an attempt to treat certain forms of aggression. In older dogs, the operation may be performed to treat testicular tumors and some prostate gland conditions. It is also used to control hormonal (testosterone) dependent diseases such as perianal adenomas.
What are the disadvantages?
Most of the perceived disadvantages are false. The most quoted of these are that the dog will become fat, lazy, and useless as a guardian. Obesity is probably the most commonly quoted disadvantage of neutering. In most cases, obesity is the result of overfeeding and not exercising enough. By regulating your dog's diet and caloric intake, you can prevent obesity in both neutered and intact males.
Neutering doesn't cause a change in personality, guarding instincts, intelligence, playfulness and affection.
When should the operation be performed?
Most veterinarians recommend neutering at around six months of age. However, neutering at an earlier age, which is a common practice at animal shelters, does not appear to be detrimental.
Are there any dangers associated with the operation?
Neutering is considered a major operation and requires general anesthesia. With any anesthetic the risk of serious complications, including death, is always present. However, with modern anesthetics and monitoring equipment, the risk of a complication is very low. It has been said that your pet has a greater chance of being injured in a car wreck than having an anesthetic or surgical complication.
What happens when my dog undergoes this procedure ?
Your pet will be examined by a veterinarian and pre-anesthetic blood tests will usually be performed. If everything is acceptable, your pet will be anesthetized. Most pets will have an intravenous catheter placed to administer the anesthetic and to provide fluid therapy during the surgery. After your pet is
anesthetized, a breathing tube will be placed in his trachea or "windpipe" to scrotum and removing the testicles. Many veterinarians use absorbable internal sutures so that you do not have to return
scrotum and removing the testicles. Many veterinarians use absorbable internal sutures so that you do not have to return your dog to the hospital to have them removed.
Are there any post-operative precautions I should take?
"Rest and restriction of activity are the primary post-operative care you should provide."
Rest and restriction of activity are the primary post-operative care you should provide. Most dogs can resume normal activity five to ten days after surgery. Until then, leash walks, lots of rest, and no swimming, bathing, running or climbing stairs are the rule.
What Behavioral Changes Can be Expected After Neutering?
Numerous studies on the effects of neutering have been performed evaluating playfulness, fear of strangers, territorial aggression, mounting, urine-marking, roaming, and other behaviors. The behaviors that are most consistently altered after neutering are inappropriate mounting, urine marking, and fighting. These behaviors were significantly reduced or completely eliminated in 50-60 percent of male dogs after neutering. Most pet owners look forward to curtailing these actions and thereby improving their relationship with their dog.